The International Publication Of The Packaged Ice Industry
Excellence, Leadership, Strength and Quality
The International Publication Of The Packaged Ice Industry
Excellence, Leadership, Strength and Quality
Ice World Journal (IWJ), was started by the Regional Council of all ice associations in 1998 to bring the industry’s associations and members closer together, to allow all association members to benefit from the information that the others offered to their members and, at the same time, help the suppliers to the associations, who are all strong supporters of our associations, by not forcing them to advertise in eight different publications. For the last several years, I would like to think that IWJ has accomplished this mission very well.
As IWJ begins its 18th year of publication we ask you to advertise in Ice World and support the industry and help keep Ice World the premier publication for the packaged ice industry. With consolidation within the industry continuing at a fast pace it’s more important than ever to take this important opportunity to tell the industry what you do and how they can contact you.
The rate sheet and ad contract form is included so you can do just that. Please email to billb@graphicvisions.com, fax it to +1 (301) 963-4910, or mail it to Ice World Journal, C/O Graphic Visions, 640 E Diamond Avenue, Suite F, Gaithersburg, MD 20877.
If you have any questions, please call or email me at +1(301) 963-8600 or billb@graphicvisions.com.
Thank you.
Bill Bentley
Editor, Ice World Journal
Advertise now! It makes good cents!
You won’t be sorry you did!
The next issue come out the first of May so please don’t delay
The International Publication Of The Packaged Ice Industry
Excellence, Leadership, Strength and Quality
Looking to make more money?
Reach packaged ice manufactures and distributors.
Let them know who you are and how to contact you.
Advertise in Ice World Journal!
Ice World Journal is the premier publication for the packaged ice industry. It is the compendium of the major North American and Australasian association’s news. Nowhere else can you reach the decision makers in our industry as well as read the important news and happenings inside and outside your area. We are truly part of the industry because we are the publication of the Regional Council of ice associations.
Our mission is to support and further the progress and growth of the packaged ice industry; to partner with industry players to promote best practices and the achievement of business goals; and be both a catalyst and facilitator for success.
To fulfill this mission, our commitment to the industry is to maintain the highest quality by meeting the highest standards including:
- Editorial excellence and integrity.
- Authoritative reporting on national and international events.
- A what’s new, Industry Updates section where we highlight your new products.
- Outstanding articles on Food Safety, Business Development and Marketing written by the country’s recognized experts.
- Educational articles and relevant networking event reporting.
- Meeting schedules announcements and post meeting reports.
- Responsiveness to industry needs.
- Prompt and professional customer service.
- Value you can trust.
Put your services in front of the decision makers in the industry.
Build a strong awareness of your company.
Share the new techniques and technologies you can provide to them.
See what other supplier members are developing.
2017 Advertising Specifications, Rates & Agreement
Ice World Journal
640 East Diamond Avenue
Suite F
Gaithersburg, MD 20874
Advertising Specifications
Ice World Journal is the official publication of the packaged ice industry. The publication will be composed of information from the regional ice associations and the International Packaged Ice Association, promoting activities, events, information for their organizations. Each participating organization will have up to four pages of information in each issue. Additionally, Ice World Journal will have articles related to issues pertinent to the entire packaged ice industry.
Publication Dates: Ice World Journal will be published on a quarterly basis. The issues will be mailed the first week in May, July, October and January. Closing dates will be April 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1.
If no copy changes for contracted space are received by the closing date, copy appearing in the previous issue will be inserted. No cancellations will be accepted after the closing of contracting for appropriate issue. Advertiser bears all responsibility for providing final ad layout to the publication office.
Circulation: 1300 copies per issue
Mechanics: The preferred advertising material is either digital (on Macintosh compatible disk); negatives (rightreading, emulsion side down) or camera-ready artwork. A 133 line screen is recommended. All conversion negatives, typesetting and stripping services will be billed to the advertiser at cost. Bleeds are available at additional cost, billed to the advertiser according to the rate schedule.
Dimensions: Space Size
Overall Size of publication 8 1/4 x 10 3/4
Full Page 8 1/4 x 10 3/4
1/2 Page 7 1/4 x 4 3/4 (vertical or horizontal)
1/4 Page 3 1/2 x 5 (vertical only)
1/8 Page 3 1/2 x 2 1/2
Placement: Advertising location is at the discretion of the editorial staff. Premium and preferred placement is available at additional cost as outlined on the rate schedule.
Other Terms: The advertiser is liable for payment of all advertising charges incurred, whether advertising order is placed directly by the advertiser or through an advertising agency or other second-party representative, and/or whether invoice is issued to the advertising agency or other second-party representative.
Advertising location is at the discretion of the editorial staff. All advertising is subject to the editorial staff’s approval.
Advertising agency assumes liability for all content (including text, representation and illustrations) of advertisements printed, and also assumes responsibility for any claims arising therefrom made against the publishers.
Managing Editor/Publisher:
Bill Bentley
Graphic Visions Associates
640 East Diamond Avenue Suite F
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
301-963-4910 (Fax)
2017 Advertising Rates (AUD)
Member (Any Ice Association) | Non Member | |
Space | Per Issue
Rate* (AUD) |
Per Issue
Rate* (AUD) |
Full Page, 4-Color
Back Cover Inside Front Cover Inside Back Cover Center 2-Page Spread Interior Page |
$2,595 $2,165 $2,165 $3,550 $1,750 |
$3,875 $3,250 $3,250 $5,325 $2,625 |
Full Page, 2-Color | $875 | $1,325 |
Full Page, B/W | $600 | $900 |
1/2 Page, 4-Color | $1,295 | $1,950 |
1/2 Page, 2-Color | $650 | $975 |
1/2 Page, B/W | $450 | $675 |
1/4 Page, 4-Color | $950 | $1,425 |
1/4 Page, 2-Color | $575 | $875 |
1/4 Page, B/W | $375 | $575 |
1/8 Page, B/W | $275 | $425 |
*Rates are quoted on a per issue basis, net non-commissionable.
A 2017 advertising agreement must be on file before IWJ will publish any ads for the 2017 issues.
Preferred Positioning (on interior pages): Add $250 per issue.
Changes may be made to an ads composition or size, provided it is received prior to the published closing dates (see opposite page). If no changes are received by the closing date, the IWJ will publish the ad that ran in the previous issue and/or in accordance with the schedule committed to on the reverse.
Payment Schedule: A post-publication invoice will be sent and payment is due upon receipt of invoice. A tear sheet will be attached to the invoice. Payment is to be by check, money order, or credit card (most major credit cards are accepted), payable to Ice World Journal, 640 East Diamond Ave., Suite F, Gaithersburg, MD 20877. Only US Funds will be accepted.
Advertisers that choose to pay for all four issues in advance may take a 5% discount from the above published price. If changes are made in the ads format, the pre-paid rate will not be adjusted.
Second Color: Any color other than black is constituted as a second color.
Classified Advertisements: Members: $.25/word; $10 minimum
Non-Members: $1/word; $25 minimum
Blind Box Fee: $10/box
Subscription Rates: $80 (US) for USA; $100 (US) for Canada; $120 (US) all other countries.
Single Issue: $25.0 (US) USA/Canada; $35.00 (US) all other countries,
plus shipping and handling.
All rates are as of November 1, 2010 – Net Non-Commissionable.
Click HERE and to obtain a copy of this complete document including the agreement.